Can Tourism save Lebanon’s economy?

If you’re reading this post, you should be aware of Lebanon’s beauty, its rich cultural heritage, and stunning natural landscapes.

You’re probably also aware that the country has been struggling with a severe economic crisis for some time now. The World Bank has called it one of the worst financial crises in centuries (1).

To fix this economic crisis, there’s a lot of work to do. From fiscal reforms, social protection, and better governance.. Still, we’re probably just scratching the surface.

Despite all that’s been happening, Lebanon still offers countless destinations all year round for both its local residents and travelers. A total of 570,738 travelers visited Lebanon between January and June 2022, up from 291,570 in the same period of 2021 (2). Its total contribution reached USD 10.6 billion, accounting for 20.5 percent of GDP by end-2022 (3).

The Ministry of Tourism has been putting tremendous effort into promoting Lebanon as a tourist destination. And although this effort has clearly shown a considerable impact, is it enough to solidify Lebanon’s position? Are we missing some key opportunities that could double the latter contribution?

There are pressing problems that are stopping us from making use of the nature that surrounds us, and the services we pride the most. These can be summarized in a considerable lack of adequate infrastructure and services that meet the needs and expectations of tourists, starting with transportation, accommodation, communication, water, and electricity (4).

Many of the problems mentioned above are mostly connected with the wider ambitions of fiscal reforms and better governance. However, the tech industry can play a pivotal role in solving many of those problems as well..

Tech startups have the potential to make a significant impact in a variety of areas, including communication, accessibility, and transportation. By leveraging the latest technologies and innovative solutions, these startups can help to address pressing problems and create new opportunities for growth and development that Lebanon direly needs.

While 70% of travelers worldwide are considering local experiences as an alternative (5), it’s a clear indicator that this is the time to push harder than ever to build what could reflect the country most.

Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can for your country.

Gebran Khalil Gebran

It is important to note that Lebanon is known for its vibrant nightlife and culinary scenes, but local and rural tourism still remains largely overlooked. This is a shame, as this country has much to offer, from natural beauty to cultural heritage and unique experiences. By promoting and supporting local tourism initiatives, we can help to boost the country’s economy, alleviate some of the high population density in coastal areas, and showcase its many hidden gems to the world.

We entrepreneurs, visionaries, and dreamers focus on identifying problems and finding the best solutions. These efforts may not save Lebanon’s economy, but they can revive it. For Jedo, this can be achieved by helping local businesses get the exposure needed and the accessibility that their audience needs.

Lebanon is a beautiful and vibrant country, but it has struggled to attract the attention of tourists in recent years. We believe that by adding structure to what has been overlooked, we can create a new framework that would attract more travelers looking for authentic experiences, from around the world.


  1. Lebanon’s Crisis, an Explainer – The New York Times (
  2. The number of tourists in Lebanon nearly doubles in the first half of 2022 – L’Orient Today (
  3. Lebanon – Statistics & Facts | Statista
  4. Tourism-Sector-Report.pdf (
  5. (PDF) Rural tourism in Lebanon: what does the market reveal? (


Christian is the Co-founder & CEO of Jedo. He's a Designer at heart, and entrepreneur based in Amsterdam, with 12 years of consulting experience in design thinking, digital transformation, and product development.

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